
Color Collage--Grey

Everybody's favorite assignment in the Kids and Cameras series so far is the Color Collage. I think it is also one of my favorite ways to push myself to photograph every day, especially in the slower winter months.  Last December I did the project right along with my class participants.  Before I venture into fuschia, vermillion, or cobalt variants of classic colors, (I won't ever really run out of colors will I?)  I thought I should cover the 16 crayola box with grey, black and brown.  Here is Color Challenge GREY!

Color Collage project-- Grey, by Dena Robles

Color Purple and Relay For Life

This month I revisited the ColorColour Lovers Project with my own take on Purple.  As I wandered the sidewalks and the market aisles in search of purple, I was mindful of all those who have touched my life in so many ways who were also touched and often times defeated by cancer.  Tomorrow I join thousands of people in my small city to walk in The Relay For Life to commemorate those who have battled with cancer and to help fight for a cure.

ColorColour Lovers Purple and Relay for Life